lunedì 13 gennaio 2014

Questione di classe

La classe come invenzione dello 
spirito moderno

Social Europe Journal 8/1/2014
La rivista on line "Social Europe Journal" diretta da Henning Meyer della London School of Economics and Political Science ha pubblicato l'8 gennaio 2014 nella sezione "Essays" un nuovo intervento di Carlo Bordoni sull'origine della classi sociali come espressione della modernità. 

Why The Concept Of Class Is An Invention Of The Modern Spirit 
The representation of modernity would not be complete unless we go back to the theory of the social classes and to Marx’s interpretation of history as a class struggle to seize power. The classes as the social construction of modernity are necessary to its adaptation and functional to its design, based entirely on conflict and inequality.
© Carlo Bordoni

Why The Concept Of Class Is An Invention Of The Modern Spirit